Shoe and Glove

Few years ago I took a workshop on stoneware clay sculpting. The project was to sculpt a shoe, any shoe. Since I am a golf nut, among other things, then golf shoe was my choice. It was fun to do, however, the shoe came out quite comical, something straight out of Charlie Chaplin set. Still, it did manage to add a lot of detail.

All I could do was add one coil at the time, shape it and repeat.

I wasn’t all that happy with the results so I have decided to build a very realistic shoe, one with as much detail as I can muster. It took me a while but I’ve done it. I build a display platform, complete with artificial turf and placed the shoe on it together with a tee and golf ball. Next thing I know, Marjo comes by, tosses her golf glove on top of a ball and calmly says: “Make one from clay”, turns around and walks away. I love challenges and this one was right up my alley! It came out better then I expected. See for yourself. First the shoe and then the glove.

The Shoe

Since the model shoe wasn’t new the leather top had some cracks. On the clay shoe I just let the clay dry and then bent the sole and top a bit, just like if you were walking and voila! Leather cracks!

I didn’t want to make all the spikes out of clay so in order to use real spikes I had to make same holes in the sole as in model shoe. It was a bit of a challenge but I did manage.

And now, the Glove.

When I have accepted Marjo’s challenge I had to figure out how to build the glove out of clay and make it look like leather. Best solution for me was to imitate actual leather glove construction as close as possible. I made cardboard patterns, rolled out clay quite thin and then let it dry till it was possible to work with it without the clay stretching. Then I joined parts together, let it dry some more and then formed it into final shape over a golf ball plus reshaped the fingers. It was a great challenge and I have enjoyed it.

Doesn’t it look realistic?